The Reconstruction of America

The Reconstruction of America

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Somewhere in America this Sunday, in a small wooden church, a meek and grateful congregation will hold their heads and worn songbooks high and proudly tell about the old, old, story.  Somewhere in America this week, in an elementary school classroom, a teacher standing near an American flag will proudly tell her young students the story of our nation's founding, how the many institutions and freedoms they know about today or will soon encounter were once mere ideas, the subjects of great debates, and then a declaration, and then a war Americans invented, and constantly reinvent, the unique aspects of our spiritual, government, and secular institutions.  From the first paragraph of the Declaration of independence to the first amendment to the Constitution, our founders recognized the preeminent place our Creator and the free exercise of religion must hold in a nation that protects individual liberties.  

This book is an effort to reconstruct the great heroes, icons, and institutions of America, to tell a story of the people, places, and ideas that inspire us, make us smile, and make us cry, yet remind us of the inherent goodness of our country.   

Foreward by Neil Cavuto

Autographed copy by Steve Penley

Hardcover: 128 pages, 85 Color Images
Publisher: Mercer University Press (December 31, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0881461393
ISBN-13: 978-0881461398
Product Dimensions: 11.2" x 8.6"

Price: $45.00
